To connect to a MySQL database from Dreamweaver follow the below steps:
Login to your cPanel account at’ Click on 'MySQL Databases' under the 'Databases' menu.’ Add a new user’ by entering a username’ and password if you don't have one you would like to use. Add the user to the database you wish to work with through Dreamweaver.
At the bottom, add the % symbol to the 'Add Host' listing, this is a wildcard and will allow connection from any computer if they have the correct user name and password.’
Ensure your site’ is setup for’ php/mysql in Dreamweaver, you can use our Dreamweaver Video Tutorials to make sure it is setup correctly. Dreamweaver 2004, Dreamweaver 8 and Dreamweaver MX.
You now need to connect to your account and set up a connection to’ the database.’
Up at the top menu bar in Dreamweaver click on 'Window' then 'Databases'. This will bring up a menu on the side bar, if it is not already up, where you can click on the + button and set up a 'MySQL Connection'. Label it what you would like in the 'Connection Name' and use these settings:’
MySQL Server = localhost’
Username = The control panel username then '_' and MySQL database username’
Example: cpanel_mysqlname’
Password = Password to the MySQL database username’
Database = Click 'Select' and choose your database’
Then’ test the connection to see if your settings are correct.
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