Is Gretor authorized to accept .hotel pre-registrations?

Yes, Gretor is authorized to accept .hotel pre-registrations.

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Kapcsolódó cikkek

Why are there new gTLD's? .hotel new gTLD domain names?

The internet has revolutionized the modern world, connecting more than 2.4 billion internet...

When will .hotel be available ?

The first groups of top-level domains ("first round") are anticipated to be available in early...

Why should I pre-register new top-level domain .hotel now?

Pre-registering a .hotel domain will allow us to submit your domain for registration as soon as...

Does it cost anything to pre-register .hotel?

The .hotel pre-registration process is completely free. You will only be required to provide a...

Am I obligated to register a .hotel domain I pre-registered?

No. .hotel Pre-registrations are non-binding and free. Once we receive information regarding the...