RMS & CRSgretor2021-11-10T11:38:17+02:00 gretor2021-11-09T02:10:57+02:00 STR RMS & CRS STRPrevious12Integrations YP integrated with over 400 channels to help you reach a global market. Our partners include OTAs, Sharing Economy OTAs, Tour Operators, wholesalers, PMSes, CRSes, GDSes, RMSes, mobile apps, metasearches and booking engines. Browse All ConnectionsOTA’sGDSWholesalersTour OperatorsPMSRMS & CRSMetasearchOTA with Million+ Monthly VisitsOTA Most Viewed in Gretor Let's Work Together Fill out the form below to get a general idea on pricing and a 30-min Preliminary Strategy & Planning session.First Name*Email Address*Phone Number*Last Name*CompanyWebsite URLPlease provide us with additional information to help us understand your needs (i.e. budget, timeline, challenges)*Type the charactersSUBMITThis field should be left blank Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterestEmail