Specification 2.0

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Specification 2.0

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The URL used to send the HTTP requests:


POST /api/2.0/advanced/transactional HTTP/1.1
Host: sms.gretor.net
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

It is strictly prohibited to exploit transactional SMS for promotional/marketing uses. It must be used for notification purposes only – as an SMS notification.

Parameters table

application_id Application indentificator Yes
application_token Application authentication token Yes
number Recipient number Yes
text Text of SMS message (max. 612 characters, or 268 characters if Unicode is used), UTF-8 enconding. It is possible to add variables to the template from the variables array (another parameter) Yes
variables Associative array to add variables to text. No []
variables Associative array to add variables to text No []
channel Alternative channels. Channels are listed in a cascade, if we are unable to deliver your message via highest priority channel, channels lower in the cascade list will be used. If none of them manages to deliver sms will be used instead. No SMS object
country Provide the recipients’ numbers in an international format (with prefix, e.g. 44) or add the country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (7820125799 + GB = 447820125799). See the country example request. If null, your set timezone will be used to fill the information No null
schedule Schedule the sending time and date in unix timestamp, or ISO 8601. No Now
duplicates_check Select on to prevent sending duplicate messages to the same phone number. Messages with the same text sent to the same number will be removed if there is a time interval shorter than 5 mins. If off no duplicates will be removed. No off

SMS object parameters table

text Text of SMS message (max. 612 characters, or 268 characters if Unicode is used), UTF-8 encoding. It is possible to add variables to the template from the variables array (another parameter) Yes, if general text isn’t used. If SMS object contains text parameter as well as general text parameter, SMS text will be used instead
sender_id Sender ID, see sender ID type No gSystem
sender_id_value Sender value – gOwn (e.g. “420 777 777 777”), gText (e.g. “GretorSMS”), gProfile (e.g. “423”), gMobile or gPush (KEY) No null
unicode Yes/true/1 for Unicode SMS, no/false/0 for 7bit SMS No false

Sender ID type sender_id

gSystem System number
gShort Short Code
gText Text sender
gMobile Mobile Connect
gPush Mobile Connect push – Sends a notification to the Mobile Connect app
gOwn Own Number (number verification required)
gProfile Gretor SMS Profile ID
<int> Gretor SMS Profile ID

Viber object parameters table

text Text of SMS message (max. 612 characters, or 268 characters if Unicode is used), UTF-8 encoding. It is possible to add variables to the template from the variables array (another parameter) Yes, if general text isn’t used. If Viber object contains text parameter as well as general text parameter, Viber text will be used instead
sender_id Sender Yes “”
expiration Time limit after which alternative channel will be used No 120

Example of full request:

POST /api/2.0/advanced/transactional HTTP/1.1
Host: sms.gretor.net
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

    "application_id": "****",
    "application_token": "******************************",
    "application_product": "http-advanced",
    "number": "440111222333",
    "text": "example text <first_name>",
    "variables": {"first_name": "Lt. Mosley"},
    "country": "gb",
    "schedule": "2018-05-14T18:30:00-01:00",
    "channel": {
      "viber": {
        "sender": "Lt. Hagan",
        "expiration": 100,
        "text": "example text"
      "sms": {
        "sender_id": "gText",
        "sender_id_value": "Lt-Hagan",
        "unicode": true,
        "text": "example text"

Response to this command may be:

In case of success:

    "data": {
        "status": "accepted",
        "sms_id": "tmpde1bcd4b1d1",
        "price": 0.02,
        "credit": 215.81380,
        "number": "447700900000"

In case of error:

    "type": "invalid_phone_number",
    "code": 400,
    "error": "Invalid phone number",
    "detail": null
    "type": "unknown_identity",
    "code": 401,
    "error": "Unknown identity / unauthorized / empty application_id",
    "detail": null


  • type and error (description of the error) can be found in the error types table,
  • code represents http error
  • detail is an additional info about the error

See all the error types for Simple API and Advanced API here.

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