OTA Traffic: 3K Monthly Visits (in thousands)
OTA Language: English
Company description
Company description: 70 properties and expanding. EcoHotels was founded in 2020, as a responsible and sustainable alternative to the large and dominant online travel agencies (OTAs), whose business model and high commissions severely decimate individual hotels´ identity, concept and bottom line. EcoHotels´ mission is to be a community for hotels, sharing knowledge and best practices, and standing side by side to promote sustainability in the travel industry.
Product description:
Community for travelers
They also aim to be a community for travelers, who care about acting as responsibly as possible, and want to have a trustworthy source of information as to which efforts and certifications the hotels that they choose to visit work with – and wish to travel as sustainably as possible, supporting high-quality, certified hotels and helping make travel a force for good around the globe.
Experience from the hotel industry
The founding members of EcoHotels all have experience from working in the hotel industry, and our booking site stems from seeing the discrepancy between how OTAs act towards hotels – and how we wished they would act. An OTA is a useful and powerful tool, when looking for accommodation – but as someone we all know once said: with great power comes great responsibility.
Completely independent of the large OTAs
They have created a responsible booking site, completely independent of the large OTAs. EcoHotels is for sustainable and certified hotels, but any kind of concept could come up with the same idea, creating a community.
They’re not just another affiliate
They´re not just another affiliate (which most online booking sites are), and to that end spent a number of years and a great deal of money building our own booking engine from scratch. This is why we can act 100% in accordance with our beliefs, and not compromise on doing what they think is best for hotels and travelers as well as for our own booking site and community.
Cooperation description: Cooperation enhancement/Deepening
Geographical focus: Nordics
Property focus: Hotels
Contact person email: erik@ecohotels.com
YP integrated with over 400 channels to help you reach a global market. Our partners include OTAs, Sharing Economy OTAs, Tour Operators, wholesalers, PMSes, CRSes, GDSes, RMSes, mobile apps, metasearches and booking engines.