Business page

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Business page

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What is a business page?

Gretor SMS business page helps you promote your products and events better. Business page represents a new environment for your business. It is simple to create one, manage it, and it is completely for free. On your business page, you can create offers that are sent to your customers via Smart SMS campaigns.
How can I create a business page?

To create a new business page:

  1. Click on Business page in the left side menu on Gretor SMS Panel
  2. Click on New page
  3. Enter a business page name (the name can be changed)
  4. Upload your logo
  5. Upload cover photo and background photo, or choose a color
  6. Make sure your page info is correct – person/company contact information. You can always rename a business page

How can I delete a business page?

To delete a business page:

  1. Click on Business page in the left side menu on Gretor SMS Panel
  2. Click on Pages
  3. Select a page you want to delete and click on its detail
  4. Click Danger Zone
  5. Click Remove business page and confirm

How can I rename a business page?

To rename a business page:

  1. Click on Business page in the left side menu on Gretor SMS Panel
  2. Click on Pages
  3. Select a page you want to rename and click on its detail
  4. Click on the icon Edit page info
  5. Change your business page name
  6. Click Save

How can I change my contact information on a business page?

To change contact information on a business page:

  1. Click on Business page in the left side menu on our Gretor SMS Panel
  2. Click on Pages
  3. Select a page where you want to change contact information and click on its detail
  4. Click on the icon Edit page info
  5. Change contact information
  6. Click Save
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