Low credit alert

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Low credit alert

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How can I set up low credit alert?

You can receive SMS and email notification whenever your wallet balance goes below your specified limit. It helps you keep sufficient amount of credit necessary for communication with your customers and staff.

To set up low credit alert for your wallet:

  1. Click Wallets in the left menu on Gretor SMS Panel
  2. Click on the wallet you want to set up low credit alert for
  3. Activate low credit alert by clicking on it
  4. Click Admin manager to add admins who will be receiving the notifications
  5. Click Add administrator
  6. Fill in the form and click Save
  7. Set up the limit
  8. Choose how you want to receive the alert – you can choose both SMS and email option
  9. Select admin or admins who will be receiving low credit alert whenever the wallet balance goes below the limit
  10. Click Save
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