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What is an offer?

An offer represents a great mean of promotion for your products, sales, events, etc. It allows you to enrich the communication with your customers by extending the traditional SMS message with a visual offer that is placed on your business page. Every offer is therefore linked to a specific business page. To access an offer, your recipients must click on a short URL link that is embedded in a text message when you create a Smart SMS campaign.

An offer has many great features that grab attention and evoke positive emotions in your recipients. In your offer, you can:

  • Attach pictures and videos
  • Personalize text of an offer
  • Activate countdown timer
  • Set up prices, discounts, quantity, units
  • Create an order form
  • Use different visual templates, and others

See how to create an offer.

How can I create an offer?

To create an offer:

  1. You must first create a business page
  2. If you have a business page, click Create offer on the business page, or click SMS in the menu and click Create campaign and choose Smart SMS
  3. In the second step of the campaign, you will be able to create an offer

It is also possible to adjust an offer after it has been sent to your recipients.

Can I change an offer after it was sent?

In short, yes. You can always adjust your offer after your Smart SMS campaign has been sent out to your recipients. However, you can’t send it to other recipients. To do this – to send the same offer to new recipients – you need to create a new Smart SMS campaign.

To adjust an offer:

  1. Click Business page in the menu
  2. Click Offers
  3. Find an offer you wish to adjust and click on the Edit offer icon
  4. Adjust any attribute you need
  5. Click Save
  6. You offer has been updated

Note, however, that you cannot change the assigned business page.

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