Supported Viber Business message statuses

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Supported Viber Business message statuses

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Viber recognizes the following business message statuses: SENT, RECEIVED, DELIVERED, READ, ERROR, RECIPIENT UNAVAILABLE and DND.

Billing Viber Business messages

Viber charges only messages with the status DELIVERED and READ! Messages with any other final status (ERROR, RECIPIENT UNAVAILABLE and DND) will expire after the defined time and the original message charge will be refunded back to your  account.

Meaning of individual Viber Business message statuses

Message Status Description
SENT Gretor SMS processed the message, posted it (charged the account for sending the message) and sent it to Viber.
RECEIVED Viber has confirmed receipt of the message from Gretor SMS and is working to deliver it to the end device. If the message can’t be delivered immediately (the recipient is not online or doesn’t have their phone on), Viber will try again to deliver the message until the set expiration time expires. The desired message expiration time can be set when creating a campaign.
DELIVERED The message was successfully delivered to the end device.
READ The user has viewed the message on the end device.
ERROR The message can’t be delivered because the number doesn’t exist or the recipient doesn’t use Viber at all.
RECIPIENT UNAVAILABLE The message has expired (the recipient uses the Viber app, but their device has not connected to the internet during the expiration period).
DND (Do Not Disturb) The message cannot be delivered. The recipient does not wish to be disturbed.

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