Viber for Business general information

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Viber for Business general information

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What you need to start sending Viber Business messages

  1. Read the Terms and Conditions of Viber Business carefully – The minimum monthly commitment is 150  credits or 187.50 credits (depending on destination). Viber charges only READ and RECEIVED messages! Messages with a different status expire and their value is refunded to your account.
  2. Register your Viber sender – Approval takes 7 business days. A request to deactivate your Viber sender must be submitted at least 7 days in advance.
  3. If you plan to send transactional (informational or notification) messages to these countries, i.e. Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, your messages must use templates approved and required by Viber.
  4. If you have met all the previous requirements you can proceed to the actual campaign creation
  5. Cost estimation – When you reach the last step of the campaign and you have more than one active channel, you will see the option Change estimated cost coverage which will help you visualize the estimated cost for the selected country.
  6. Check Minimum Monthly Coverage (MMC) – After each campaign, we recommend rechecking the amount of messages in the DELIVERED and READ status to better estimate the remaining coverage.
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